A heathy lifestyle doesn't end after your workout

A heathy lifestyle doesn't end after your workout

My goal is to help continue your wellness journey even after your workout.

Check out my health products and meal planning services to keep your baddie body going!

Energy all day!

Ditch the coffee and try Thrive 123!

Benefits include:

• Weightloss

• Nutrition

Click here for more information.

Meal Planning

Included in all my Build a Baddie fitness programs! Learn how to eat healthy and maintain your weight with my weekly meal planning.

• Keto Meal Planning

• Customized Weekly Meals

• Low Carb

Click here for more information

Meal replacement shakes

Click here to check out Herbalife full line of shakes!

• Multiple flavors (chocolate, vanilla, cookies and cream, apple and more)

• Replace your meals with vitamins and minerals.

Click the image to find out more

2 ways to get healthy!

Build a baddie ENERGY all day the healthy way!

Have you heard of THRIVE? Because it's a game changer for life!   

You will no longer desire coffee or sugar to help maintain high energy. There's many amazing benefits to the little patch, from the delivery of 100 incredible vitamins flowing through your body all day, to the game changing probiotic drinks.

Thrive's 123 step process is

1. Supplements

2. Probiotics

3. Patches

Samples delivered upon request.

Samples are $40 each. Comes with:

• Thrive energy patch

• Supplement energy vitamin 

• Probiotic shakes. 

CLICK HERE for samples

Build a baddie and protein and meal replacement shakes.

The first one is on the house! Just call me up and ask me to bring you one of my delicious shakes!


(within 15 minutes of Medford,OR)

Single shake delivery service $8.99

Pick up $4.99

CLICK HERE to try my shakes free!